Author Archives: Chris H

Fixing the TPA3116 2.1 Amplifier Board’s Awful Noise Floor

Powering my OS’es and sub, I’ve got a super cheap, eBay sourced, TPA3116 2.1 channel 2x50Watt amplifier board. It’s cool looking, has more than enough power, requires just a bit of soldering to get up and running, and again, super cheap. It’s also the board that comes in many “finished” cheap amps. The one problem with this amp is that… Read more »

Found Online: Pelican Case Boombox – 2.1 w/ TPA3116

Pelican Case Boombox – 2.1 w/ TPA3116 Ben, I know you’ll dig this! This thing is pretty serious. You can tell the guy has some experience building these too. Unfortunately, it’s just the video. You get a good look at everything, but he doesn’t go into depth concerning the wiring. He uses the 3.5″ Tang Band mini subwoofer driver, a… Read more »

Speakerboxxx on Instructables: 2-Way Boombox using Buyout Woofers and a Bit About Batteries

Over the last year I’ve read a lot of instructables for boomboxes and the like. As I started to make my own, it became clear that most of these are lacking in a few ways: Detail about the wiring Building something reasonably useful Reasoning regarding parts choices Level of DIYness Availability of Parts Chosen Pretending that you can just hook… Read more »

Easy-to-use crossover definitions and calculator

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first order high pass filter

From Crossover Calculator Crossover Definitions and Illustrations Most crossover tutorials omit information about the simplest possible crossovers: A capacitor in series with the speaker (High Pass Filter) A coil (inductor) in series with the speaker (Low Pass Filter) The first of these seems to be widely used as a quick and dirty way to protect small full range speakers… Read more »

Welcome to Backhouse Beats

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This blog is the ongoing story of a couple of know-nothings trying to get together a few boomboxes and jamcases. Cheap chinese class-D amps. Bluetooth receivers. Cheap closeouts from Parts Express. And figuring out a bit about why it never quite seems to work as we hope. We could just write to each other in Facebook. But then again, if… Read more »