Category Archives: Tutorials

Speakerboxxx on Instructables: 2-Way Boombox using Buyout Woofers and a Bit About Batteries

Over the last year I’ve read a lot of instructables for boomboxes and the like. As I started to make my own, it became clear that most of these are lacking in a few ways: Detail about the wiring Building something reasonably useful Reasoning regarding parts choices Level of DIYness Availability of Parts Chosen Pretending that you can just hook… Read more »

Easy-to-use crossover definitions and calculator

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first order high pass filter

From Crossover Calculator Crossover Definitions and Illustrations Most crossover tutorials omit information about the simplest possible crossovers: A capacitor in series with the speaker (High Pass Filter) A coil (inductor) in series with the speaker (Low Pass Filter) The first of these seems to be widely used as a quick and dirty way to protect small full range speakers… Read more »